Reaching out to the marginalized—orphans, widows, the elderly, the disabled, and prisoners—is a top priority for GOSPEL FOR ALL NATIONS (GFN). One of the main goals is to reach out beyond geographical borders to those who have not yet experienced God’s kingdom. The main objective is to give those who put their confidence in God, hope by highlighting the enduring goodness that results from this kind of trust and by baptizing those who hold to this belief, in line with Mark 16:15–16.
This year, 2024, we are organizing gospel meetings and an outreach program to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and provide humanitarian support for the most vulnerable people in the country of D.R. Congo in the city of Lubumbashi and its villages, from June 10 to June 21, 2024, and in Namibia in the OSIRE refugee camp, from July 15 to July 26, 2024. Our theme for these meetings is the GOSPEL OF TRUE REVIVAL.
- ISAIAH 51:9
Thank you so much for your support.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all.
Reaching out to the marginalized—orphans, widows, the elderly, the disabled, and prisoners—is a top priority for GOSPEL FOR ALL NATIONS (GFN). One of the main goals is to reach out beyond geographical borders to those who have not yet experienced God’s kingdom. The main objective is to give those who put their confidence in God, hope by highlighting the enduring goodness that results from this kind of trust and by baptizing those who hold to this belief, in line with Mark 16:15–16.
This year, 2024, we are organizing gospel meetings and an outreach program to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and provide humanitarian support for the most vulnerable people in the country of D.R. Congo in the city of Lubumbashi and its villages, from June 10 to June 21, 2024, and in Namibia in the OSIRE refugee camp, from July 15 to July 26, 2024. Our theme for these meetings is the GOSPEL OF TRUE REVIVAL.
- ISAIAH 51:9
Thank you so much for your support.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all.